Quotes Of The Gang

Who Said What In Tucson


The excitiement level was in a full swing when the gang was captured. Here are some of the remarks and quotes made during the gang's stay there. Some are humorous, others are...well...



Dillinger presented Frank Eyeman,

Tucson officer, with his eye glasses

last night. They were part of a disguise.



Indiana officers telephoned the Tucson police

station and said they'd be “right over.“




“I want a mouthpiece right away!” Harry Pierpont,

while he was being mugged and fingerprinted.




“As far as we are concerned, we don't

want them,” (the prisoners.)

Chief C.A. Wollard




“The desperadoes, (the old meanies,) pulled their

coat collars around their heads. Said one policeman

to Pierpont, “Whatzzamatter, can't you take it?”




“Look at the publicity the city is getting.”

Tucson publicist



“Mary Kinder wore a great deal of jewerly...as officers counted the huge pile of money in her purse, she offered the information that she had a few small belongings in her pockets. She said she wanted her watch back and had “papers to show it was paid for.”



“When shown a picture of himself, Pierpont denied it was him but stated when told there was a mere $100 reward for him,'One hundred dollars huh; well I'll be @?*@*. Pierpont added later he would give another hundred to whoever got the reward.



“There was one item missing in the mobsters arsenal-tear gas bombs.”



“The luggage taken in the capture

was some of the smartest seen here.”



“Chief Wollard instructed his men to 'take no chances,' later

warning them that 'these fellows mean business."



Dillinger said he was in no hurry to return to Indiana: he didn't have a thing to do when he got there.


