Evelyn "Billie" Frechette


Evelyn Frechette was also known as Billie. She had been born on Sept. 15, 1907 at Keshena, Wisconsin. Through out her life she tended to drift on the other side of the law. When Billie met John Dillinger in the fall of 1933, she had been married to Welton Sparks, ( also known as Walter.) He however was serving a life term at Alcatraz. There is little doubt that she had loved John, and remained loyal to him, even after her arrest on April 9, 1934. After her arrest by the FBI Billie claimed that she had been slapped by an agent and was refused sleep or food for over 24 hours. Evelyn was convicted of harboring John on May 23, 1934 and served a two year sentenced at Milan, Michigan.Upon her release on January 30, 1936, she toured with a traveling carnival billed as John Dillinger's sweetheart for a few years. Billie remarried twice, the first ended in her husband's death and the other marriage was in danger at the time of her death from cancer on January 13, 1969. Billie is buried at Shawano, Wisconsin.


Billie In St. Paul Court

John And Billie At The Family Farm

The Traveling Frechette

Billie With Dillinger Wax Figure {Courtesy:Sandy Jones}

Billie With Husband Welton Sparks

Frechette Wanted Poster  {Courtesy:Rick Mattix}


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