Lawmen Whose Paths Crossed The Gang


Sheriff Jess Sarber~Killed By Harry Pierpont and Charles Makley Oct. 12, 1933 in Lima, Ohio while breaking John Dillinger out of the jail.



Chicago Sergeant William Shanley~Killed by John Hamilton  in Chicago on Dec. 14, 1933 while the outlaw tried to retrieve his car from a garage.


Indiana State Trooper Eugene Teague~Killed accidentally by another police officer while apprehending Ed Shouse on Dec. 20, 1933 in Paris, IL.


East Chicago Police Officer William Patrick O'Malley~Killed supposedly by John  Dillinger during a bank robbery on Jan. 15, 1934. There is much speculation that Dillinger was not present and possibly the police officer was gunned down by Homer Van Meter, Tommy Carroll or Eddie Green.


Undersheriff Charles Cavanaugh~Killed by Herbert Youngblood on Mar. 16, 1934 at Port Huron, Mi.


Agent W. Carter Baum~Killed by "Baby Face" Nelson during the Little Bohemia raid on Apr. 22, 1934.


East Chicago Detectives Martin O'Brien and Lloyd Mulvihill~Killed supposedly by Homer Van Meter outside Gary, In. on May 24, 1934. Their deaths remain unsolved. Both were found in a car with neither having drawn their weapons. One story states they had spotted Dillinger in a red truck and gave chase. But it highly unlikely two seasoned lawmen would have approached the outlaw without their guns drawn. Another story is they had uncovered two corrupt East Chicago police and were eliminated for this.


Police Officer Howard Wagner~Killed by Homer Van Meter on June 30, 1934 during a South Bend bank robbery.


Agents Samuel Cowley and Herman Hollis~Killed by "Baby Face" Nelson on Nov. 27, 1934 during a shootout at Barrington. IL. Nelson also died later that night due to wounds obtained during the battle.


May They Rest In Peace

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