Russell Clark




Russell was born on August 9, 1898 in Vigo County located in Indiana. Some believe he had been born either in Illinois, Knox or Vermilion County, Indiana. His legal occupation at one time had been a tailor. He also worked extensively in auto factories. Russell had been in the Marines and was dishonorably discharged in 1919. Having a long criminal history, which included being a suspect in a murder in 1926. He had robbed several banks in the Indiana area with a small gang, which included Charles Hovious. Ironically, Hovious was related to John Dillinger’s ex-wife Beryl. Another gang member named Frank Badgley was also married to a sister of Charles. Clark was arrested in December of 1927 after he and Hovious robbed the Huntertown bank in Indiana. A posse gave pursuit and after the bank robbers car became disabled, the men took off on foot in different directions. Hovious was captured near Pioneer, Ohio. Russell made it Hillsdale , Michigan before he surrendered to the police and was returned to Allen County. Found guilty of the bank robbery he was sent to Michigan City. Clark had been included in Pierpont's 1933 prison escape. After his and the other gang members capture in Tucson, he was tried for the murder of Sheriff Jesse Sarber in Lima, Ohio. Russell had been found guilty and sentenced to life , where he served out his sentence at the Columbus, Ohio prison. Russell remained there until August of 1968. He was dying from cancer and had been released from prison under a medical parole. Clark specifically requested that his release be suppressed from the newspapers. He wished no publicity from being a member of the Dillinger gang. Russell stayed with his sister in Detroit until his death from cancer on December 24, 1968 and is buried in Troy, Michigan at the White Chapel Cemetery.


Photo Of Clark

{Courtesy:Sandy Jones}

In His Jail Cell

A Younger Russell

Being Treated For Head Wound At Tucson

{Courtesy:Sandy Jones}

Girlfriend Opal Long

Opal's Grave

{Courtesy:Estella Cox}

Crime Partner Charles Hovious

Huntertown, Indiana Bank

Huntertown Bank

Russell Clark's Unmarked Grave

{Courtesy:Bob Fischer}

Clark's Mother's Grave Next To His

{Courtesy:Bob Fischer}

Last Home He Lived In

{Courtesy:Estella Cox}

Home | Dillinger Gang